How’s 2020 going for you?

It has been a fascinating six months since March advising clients on crisis management strategies and producing relevant content that is appropriate to these exceptional times and circumstances. Social media has played an important part in projecting how brands show empathy and offer responsive support and solutions to markets in disarray.

Projects include the production of blogs on advanced Dash Cams, producing a series of short films to make complex products more approachable, embarking on a major brand repositioning project and delivering substantially rewritten content across a number of CPD Seminars to bring them up to date with current standards, legislation and best practice.

Like you, I’m looking forward to the return to some consistent form of normal, but in the meantime, why don’t you use this hiatus to prepare your business for the bounce-back by leading from the front, rather than languishing with the observers. If you need help, you know how to get in touch.

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